Eliminating Gender-Based Violence in Italy: Challenges and Opportunities

                                                                            Monday, December 1, 2014
                                                                            10:00 to 13:00
                                                                            Villa Taverna G.Rossini, 5 - Roma
Embassy of the United States of America

Roundtable discussion on “Eliminating Gender-Based Violence in Italy: Challenges and Opportunities”

Opening Remarks: Laura Boldrini, President of the Chamber of Deputies

Moderator: Maria Latella, journalist, author, and television host

Violence against women and girls represents the foremost civil rights issue of the 21st century. The full and
equal participation of women in economic, political, and social life can never be realized as long as fear and
abuse remain a reality.

As we mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in November — and look ahead to 2015 and Beijing + 20 — we would like to hear from you, the experts, how the United States can support your efforts to eradicate gender-based violence in Italy.

We want to learn what’s working (and what’s not), where the challenges lie, and where you see opportunities for real change.

Partecipation: Titti Carrano, President of the ONG D.i.Re, Donne in Rete contro la violenza, Italy

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